Procurement Beyond Policy: Implementation, Execution, Results
GovProcure 2025 is all about delivering the strategies and processes you need to elevate your procurement outcomes. The event goes beyond policy and theory, instead immersing you in a room full of procurement leaders who will break down exactly how to implement and execute the procurement practices needed to achieve excellent results.
Gather with your peers from across all areas of government to learn how to transform your operations, build commercial capabilities to drive value, ease your staffing pain points, improve supplier relationships, maximise technology, and meet sustainability & social value goals.
No matter where you sit on the government procurement value chain, we've got you covered.
“The GovProcure conference is the leading conference for all public sector procurement professionals to understand how they can learn from their peers and experts in the industry of the latest initiatives and opportunities that can be applied in Government today.” - Chief Procurement Officer, NBN Co (past attendee)
Brought to you by the organisers of:
“For those who want real life examples of challenging the status quo in public sector procurement to take your function to the next level, come to GovProcure and walk away confident and supported in your new direction.” - Chief Procurement Officer, Auckland City Council (past attendee)
- Head of ProcurementAustralian Broadcasting Corporation
- Senior Project OfficerNSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water
- Manager Markets AccelerationSustainability Victoria
- Chief Procurement Officer, Department of Families, Seniors, Disability Services and Child SafetyQueensland Government
- Contract Management SpecialistVictoria Legal Aid
- Chief Executive OfficerLocal Government Procurement
- Chief Procurement OfficerPower and Water Corporation
- Chief Procurement Officer | Board MemberFoxtel Group | ACT Government
- Chairperson & Executive OfficerNSW Indigenous Chamber of Commerce (NSWICC)
- General Manager – Australian and New ZealandCIPS
- Director of Procurement and ContractingIP Australia
- Director – Finance and CommercialDefence Australia
- Chief Procurement OfficerParks Victoria
- Associate Director ProcurementInfrastructure NSW
- Chair - Government Procurement BoardACT Government
“Procurement leaders in government should attend GovProcure to learn to be able to stimulate creativity, manage change, build a values-based culture, be a customer, a client and an employer of choice, manage risk, contain costs, and attract and keep the talent you need to undertake all of this and more.”
Chief Procurement Officer, Power and Water Corporation (past attendee)
WHY YOU NEED TO BE AT GovProcure 2025

“Attending GovProcure not only helps through the immediate knowledge download, it also helps develop strong relationships with key leaders in the procurement field that can be utilised for ongoing improvement. This is why I love this conference.” - Strategic Procurement Advisor, Gold Coast Hospital and Health Service (past attendee)
Partnership opportunities
GovProcure is the meeting place for engaged and enthusiastic leaders in the procurement space from across all levels of government throughout Australia. The event attracts senior leaders and decision-makers who are looking for solutions to improve their procurement processes and outcomes.
The event offers a platform to interact, build relationships and position your organisation as a solution provider of choice. We pride ourselves on developing consultative partnership programmes to suit your objectives, whether they be thought leadership, branding, lead generation, targeted attendee introductions/meetings or more informal social networking events.
There are numerous sponsorship and exhibition opportunities available with packages designed to help you meet your marketing and sales targets. Contact Milad Etemadi on or +61 (0) 478 195 857 to discuss how we can help you connect with your ideal audience.
Supporting Partner:
- Supporting Partner
- Supporting Partner